Plastic and Synthetic Labels

Etiquetas Plásticas y Sintéticas

Plastic and synthetic labels are a durable and versatile solution for customizing garments, accessories and industrial products. Thanks to their strength and flexibility, these labels are ideal for brands looking for functionality without sacrificing style.

Our Plastic and Synthetic labels are available:

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We are Fabric Label Manufacturers

At Indet Group we manufacture high quality plastic and synthetic labels, designed to withstand extreme conditions and daily use.
Our labels offer an efficient and attractive solution to identify and embellish any product.

Color Customization

Choose from a variety of colors and finishes, from solid and vibrant shades to matte or glossy effects.
Our plastic and synthetic labels adapt perfectly to your brand identity, creating unique designs.

Add brand names, instructions or any relevant text to your plastic and synthetic labels.
We use advanced printing and engraving techniques to ensure that text is clear, durable and aesthetically impeccable.

Perzonalized text

Different Sources Available

Select from a wide variety of fonts to reflect your brand style.
From modern options to classic typefaces, our plastic and synthetic labels can be customized to complement your products.

Customize your plastic and synthetic labels with logos or distinctive symbols to reinforce your brand identity.
Our precision detailing ensures a professional and exclusive finish that stands out in any context.

Special symbols and logos

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • These labels are made of materials such as PVC, polyester or polypropylene, ideal for products that require resistance and durability.

  • They offer high resistance to water, wear and extreme conditions, maintaining their appearance and functionality for a longer period of time.

  • They can be sewn, glued with high-strength adhesives or heat-sealed, depending on the design and intended use.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team or by email. We will be very happy to help you.